Semester Year transcript grade - Will they look at it with my scenario?

<p>Hello. First i am going to start off with a little background. My cumulative GPA is at the moment a 2.87 which is including my first semester year Junior year. If i get STRAIGHT A’s second semester of Junior year itll be raised up to a 3.2. I have gotten fairly low grades throughout my sophomore year and first semester Junior year. </p>

<p>I am planning on taking rigorous courses first semester of senior year (Ap Biology, AP Computer Science, Biotechnology, English 12, Computer Graphics art, American gov and economics) Is it possible if i apply to a fairly competitive UC;s such as (UCSD, UCLA) or other colleges such as Cal poly, Penn State, and Purdue, that they could POSSIBLY put me on the “WAIT LIST” and request my first year semester year grades and if I get straight A’s in all those classes and pull off a fairly good Personal essay that i can have a considerably good chance of getting into a good University? (I have not done sports because I have had a chest problem for a while but its been solved and i plan to do a sport starting Senior year which is going to be Cross Country) </p>

<p>Not entirely sure I understand your complete post, but I’ll try to give you a bit of info/opinion. First off, the UCs only look at grades from 10th and 11th for your UC GPA. Do some online research, and you can see how to calculate your gpa as a UC gpa, which will at least allow you to get a better sense of where you are – keeping in mind that the UC’s cap off weighted credit, so if you’ve taken any approved Honors courses (there is a specific list of which schools/courses qualify) or College level courses you can only get so many points for that. If you are in-state, your stats can be lower than if you are oos. Honestly, I don’t see you getting into any of the really competitive UCs with your current situation, even if you get all As this semester. And it might be a reach for any of the UCs, which seem to be harder and harder to get admitted to each year. </p>

<p>Be sure, when putting together your list of schools, that you include some realistic safeties and schools that will meet your budget regardless of merit aid. Certainly continue to strive to improve your gpa, as that will be very important in your college process, regardless of where you apply. Good Luck!</p>

<p>Oh okay, I guess i was just wondering that possibly colleges may consider wait listing me at the least so check in on my random improvement. I plan to do a lot more rigorous activities and work. And i have my SAT coming up soon so if i could get like 1900 + It could help. But i guess you’re right. I just can’t bear the fact that i may have to consider going to a community college. </p>

<p>I didn’t say you would have to go to a cc – just that you need to have a balanced selection of schools that you apply to, since the UC’s are hard to get into these days, and your stats aren’t super high. I think there will be schools that are a good fit for you, where you can have an amazing college experience – you just have to be open to them mentally, and do the research to find them. And, keep the grades up and do well on the tests. You sound motivated, and if you can keep that drive and dedication, and achieve better stats, you’ll be fine. </p>

<p>You have to keep in mind, that lots of students with incredible stats don’t get into UCB and UCLA – and often other UC’s as well. Just too many qualified students vying for the same spots. There are some threads here for students with 3.0 to 3.3 gpas that you should read – you may find some direction for other schools to consider that you may love. </p>

<p>And community college is not the end of the world either – it can be a great route – but I do understand that you prefer to go straight to a 4 year college. Just do yourself a favor, and open your mind to the possibility of very good schools that aren’t at the top of the US News ranking – there are lots of them out there with a lot to offer in the way of a very good education.</p>

<p>Definitely agree with Petra. I don’t think you have a very good shot at any UC’s, maybe Merced or Riverside though. Participating in athletics isn’t a requirement btw. You don’t need to do xc if you don’t want to. 1900 isn’t a very good SAT score either, unless you’re an URM.</p>

<p>The UCs are going to be long shots for you - even with straight As this semester and a 1900 SAT. As long as you complete the a-g requirements, many CSUs would be happy to have you though… I’d suggest you focus there. Look into Sac State, Humboldt and Monterrey in N Cal and Channel Islands and maybe San Marcos and Northridge in S Cal.</p>

<p>CC then transfer to a UC or is another option but, you’ll have to perform the the CC.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>If you are ‘borderline’ sometimes they send you a ‘supplemental’ request asking for your mid year grades. You can’t count on it, and it is discretionary by them. If you take AP courses this semester and get As in them, are you counting your gpa the UC way? Because they will add a point for APs, and they don’t look at your freshman year in calculating your gpa. They eyeball everything, but your UC gpa is a specific formula they calculate and they describe it on the UC web pages. (it doesn’t count phys ed or surplus extra curriculars beyond the specific breadth courses, either.)</p>

<p>Your major will matter as well. Some are much harder to get into than others. </p>

<p>I don’t see UCLA happening, to be honest, although you never know and you should definitely apply if you like the school. The lower tier UCs, possibly, or if you have stellar ECs and a clear upward trend, possibly a mid tier UC would send you a supplemental to see if you were continuing that trend. They would be a reach for you, though.</p>

<p>Some of the CSUs are great though. Look at Chico, Pomona, etc. Check out the 'which are the most beautiful CSUs thread in that forum, for starters.</p>

<p>Thank you guys for all the wonderful answers. As an added thing, what if i take courses at the community college near me over the summer to add onto my transcript. Such as classes relating to my major such as Bio and bio tech and excel in those classes as well? Would that help out with my admission? And i plan to dedicate most of my summer this year to School work related stuff so would that help? </p>

<p>Not really - and you do need to be careful accumulating CC credits, most schools will allow ‘concurrent enrollment’ but, be sure you understand the policies of your high school and the UC/CSU you are interested in. You don’t want to be classified as a transfer applicant.<br>
Focus on doing your best, posting solid test scores, maintaining a decent GPA and enjoying your Senior year. </p>

<p>@collegevetting: Major doesn’t matter unless you’re applying to different schools, such as Engineering or Architecture, or if the major is impacted.
@NCalRent: CC courses taken concurrently during high school, regardless of the number of units completed, do not make you a transfer applicant. </p>

<p>@uclastudennnnt yes, those are the reasons I asked.</p>

<p>@collegevetting: haha I just wanted to make sure there wasn’t any confusion. </p>