Semi drastic change in GPA and it's affect on admissions?

Long story short, as a freshman and sophomore I had chronic migraines and frequently missed school and fell behind, this left me at a 2.89 unweighted gpa, but this past junior year where my classes were most challenging I got just about a 3.6 unweighted and my accumulative GPA through the three years is 3.12

What I would like to know if that if I would be looked at differently from other students with similar GPAs although my junior year showed a drastic change? As of right now I am mainly looking at safety schools to be well…safe. But if anyone could tell me they would focus more on my grades from my junior year it would heavily impact the colleges in apply to considering there are many schools I have looked at where I was not in a competitive range for GPA but am above a average for the SAT, in which I wish to improve on.


Schools will consider the junior year a bit more important than first 2, and will also like that junior classes were most challenging. That said, it won’t erase a lower GPA. Assuming you are a senior now, I would advise studying hard for SAT in October. That Oct test result will be ready for even ED or EA applications. Check and see deadline to register. By studying, it can be buying prep book, or a more expensive class or tutor. Regardless of what your SAT score was, improving it is the best short-term action you can do now.

It’s tricky because the typical schools where applicants with your GPA are accepted are ones that really admit formulaically (is that a word?). They won’t be able to discern 9th grade shortcomings with your overall GPA. The super thing about your profile is your strong ACT/SAT-- that will help distinguish you and I’m certain you’ll have a few admits in hand at the end of this application season. good luck to you

Update: got into all of my schools (applied to 9) except UMD where I wasn’t expecting to get in anyway it was just in state. Going to Iowa State for mechanical engineering papa bless
