send frist semester grades?

My D has applied OOS to VT and it is her top choice. She was looking at VT on-line recently and noticed that the application checklist on the website says to send your first semester grades. She applied in September. She has not heard from VT reminding her to send in her first semester transcript so she called admissions and they told her that they sometimes look at it and sometimes can make a decision without it. She “understood” it to be optional, but recommended? She may have understood that incorrectly. Any advice? Is the application complete without sending 1st semester grades or are they mandatory?

Both of my children who are current VT students sent their first semester grades. I don’t remember them thinking they had an option not to send them. If VT is her top choice then, if nothing else, sending her grades shows continued interest. One of my kids even wrote a third essay and sent it in, I believe, in January after emailing the admissions office. Does she have a reason not to send them?

When my son went thru the process he had his 1st semester grades sent to all the schools he applied to, and we assumed, based not only on that checklist from VA Tech, but the procedures his H.S. had all college bound students going thru, that it was required. I would send them.

You might want to call your high school. I called our (MD) high school and they said they send them out automatically to all the schools that you applied to. Our school sent the first two semesters and mid term grades out last week.
Can you tell me where on the website you saw that there was something missing? On my son’s page it shows they have received SAT scores, ACT scores, High school transcript (through 11th grade) but I don’t see where they are asking for mid term grades. ??

On my D’s page it says they have everything (HS transcript through 11th grade, SAT, etc) It does not show anything missing. She read about the need to send the mid-term grades on the admissions page under “Admission’s Check-list.” I will have her give the request form to her guidance counselor. Thank you.

@Hokiefirst… No, she doesn’t have a reason not to send them; it is just an extra step. She can easily give the form to her guidance counselor tomorrow. I know they are overwhelmed in the guidance office. It is a big high school with a small guidance office. I didn’t want to give them another job unless it was necessary.

I just received an email from admissions when I asked the question and I’ve pasted below what I received.

“Mid-year grade reports are due by February 27, per the application checklist at Please let us know if you need further assistance.”

My son just went in to his counselor and asked to have them sent. From researching this it sounds like some people get regular acceptances before that date, so I think it’s possible that they aren’t needed for everyone. But no need to risk it unless you have a reason.