Send JC transcript Seperate for my FA a-g Req?

<p>OK! sooo on Assist it says a class I’m taking satisfies the H requirement… which is like… Humanities and Arts I guess?
First off, does that mean it satisfies my art requirement. I can’t for the LIFE OF ME find on that site if the class counts as my A-G, it is all TRANSFER stff</p>

<p>but even if
so say the Cinema classs DOES count for my art
Can I send in my Junior College transcript seperately, or do I have to report it on my high scool transcript?
reason being, I have above a 4.0, and though I’ve gotten A’s on the other 4 classes, it would seriiosly mess with GPA and Rank.</p>

<p>Does this even make sense?

<p>I send my college transcript in separately, don't know about the "h" requirement; thought it was only A-G, not A-H.</p>

<p>It is like... Humanities and Arts requirement for transfers. There is a similar thing that (I am guessing) is like h-... someletter?</p>

<p>I’m assuming you are a high school student trying to satisfy the “f – Visual and Performing Arts” requirement of the a-g courses at your local community college. Please forgive me if you are a transfer level student. If I’m correct in thinking you are a future freshman applicant then please see <a href=""&gt;;/a> and <a href=""&gt;;/a> to review how to satisfy the “f” requirement with college level courses.</p>