Send off parties

<p>S received invite to area send off party in May from regional rep. Has anyone attended these? Parents are invited. Not sure if we are going to go as S usually works on Sunday, but think it might be fun.</p>

<p>we didn’t go. i wanted kid to go, but she was a little socially anxious, so she didn’t want to go.</p>

<p>good news is that after the year at school, she is nto quite as anxious about those type things anymore. maybe some, but not as much.</p>

<p>if i were you i would try to go.</p>

<p>My son got an invite to one from his regional rep, and we did go. Had a nice time. There were more than 100 kids there who are now his classmates at Alabama. Met some very nice people, and we got a chance to thank the rep for all of her help. It is a nice chance to meet kids from your region who are heading to the school in the fall.</p>

<p>I think it’s a great idea. I know there are now 20+ kids from this area and would love to have had the chance for DS to meet them and me their parents, especially given the transport issue with the blizzard and then tornado this year. Right now there’s no way of knowing except word of mouth.</p>