Send Only ACT?

<p>i have taken both the sat and act and i did not do very well on sat(like a 1950). but more importantly i only got like a 650 on math(apparently i suck at sat math). and i will be applying to scs. so obviously math is the most important part of the test score. i took the act and got a 31(better) but more importantly i got a 33(98th percentile) on math, which is apparently the equivilent of about 750-760 on the sat for math.
my question is should i send my sat scores too? i really dont want to because of the weak math scores, but is it too much of a risk to send just ACT scores to mellon considering 98% of applicants send sat scores?</p>

<p>not at all, i sent in my 32 only and got in so no problem, even in UC’s ACT and SAT are nowadays both taken seriously. just take the writing portion for ACT</p>

<p>yup i took act with writing.
thanks a lot</p>

<p>My Son got a 33 on ACT and he didn’t take SAT I. He has been accepted to: Harvard, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon…
Good Luck</p>

<p>My daughter got a 33 on ACT and her gpa is 4.6 weighted. What do you think are her chances of getting into Stanford or Yale? </p>

<p>Also, she scored 215 on the PSAT. Do you think she should take the SAT? (Her practice test score was 1950).</p>


<p>i cant predict your daughter’s chances for stanford because they have completely random admission numbers every year, but for Yale she stands a good chance. Personally i would just try the SAT once but a 33 is a very strong score.</p>