<p>My dd took classes at her high school (AP classes) and also received credit from a local university for the classes. She did list that on her application. Her application status shows as complete and being reviewed but she did not send the transcripts from the university showing those classes! This seems like a huge problem-if we send them now will they pull her application out of review-she had everything else in by November 1...</p>
<p>Did anyone else not send their transcripts for college courses?? So worried right now!</p>
<p>I’m also in a similiar situation. I’m currently taking college classes along with high school classes. However, its a coordinated partnership between the college and our high school so our guidance counselors took care of all this paperwork and stuff</p>
<p>For me, I just attached a unofficial transcript listing that I’m indeed enrolled in the college class. My counselor put a letter in with my transcript file stating that I am dual enrolled, and that because my credits are still in progress, I will not have an official transcript available until the end of the semester. </p>
<p>If you already have college credits already earned, I’d go ahead and send a transcript, just in case. Worst comes to worst, they won’t look at it. If you have no credits/grades thus far and are in the process of taking class to earn credit eventually, I’d call the admissions office to see if they have a complete application yet, and if not, explain the situation to them.</p>