Sending 1st Quarter Report Card -- PLEASE HELP!!

<p>I applied to NYU early decision and they said that it's optional to send my first quarter report card. I really need to get in and don't know how the following grades would impact my admission process. Please let me know what you think I should do!! (My school uses letter grades on quarter report cards - i.e. A, B, C, D, F)</p>

<p>AP English 12 - B
AP Economics - A
AP Government and Politics - A
AP Environmental Science - A
AP Spanish - A
AP Calculus AB - A
Social Science Research - A
Physical Education - B</p>

<p>I worried about my B in English and Gym, but I don't know if they are overpowered, per say, by the fact that I am taking such a challenging course load..

<p>yes, send it in. pe isn’t academic, and your rigorous courseload is impressive.</p>