<p>My dad and I have been arguing about this. I had a full page article published in a magazine, and he wants me to send a copy of it to every school to which I apply. I am worried about sending too much stuff. I am already sending 4 letters of recommendation (they should all be very different.) I do not want to annoy admissions counselors. I think that just saying that I was published in a magazine should be enough.</p>
<p>What do you think? He is refusing to pay application fees if I don't send it. Could sending it only help? Or could it also hurt?</p>
<p>wow 4 recs. I would’ve said go with 3 recs and send in your article. Anyways, I think you should mention it somewhere under the EC’s for the app. I doubt admissions officers will want to read your article since it most likely has nothing to do with your application, but you should still tell them. They need to read your actual college essay to base whether or not to admit you.</p>