Sending A Photo Of Myself To College?

<p>Columbia University gives you the OPTION of uploading and sending a picture of yourself to their admissions office. This is what they say, "As the admissions staff reads your application, it is always gratifying for us to be able to match an application with the face of someone we may have met during the year. To this end, please feel free to upload your photograph below." I'm not sure whether or not I should give them my photo. Does anyone know the pros/cons of sending a photo of yourself to college?</p>

<p>I think if you’ve visited and you met with someone they can put stats to a face. Lol, honestly I think the pretty ones will send in pictures…but then again there is always photoshop (I know of someone who did this). I think it really is optional though. I’m applying to Columbia and I want to send a picture but I’m not very photogenic :-(. I’m not sure exactly what sending a picture means to an application.</p>

<p>The only time I’ve heard of this is once you’re actually accepted and you can upload a picture to your profile on the schools website</p>

<p>I really have nothing to add to this thread, I just wanted to say I laughed at the photoshop comment… mainly because I was thinking the same thing LOL</p>

<p>I think it’s fine as long as you are dressed appropriately and are not doing anything inappropriate in the picture.</p>

<p>If I do send a picture of myself, I hope they’re not, “This girl is far too ugly for our school. REJECTED!” LOL. I’m not THAT insecure about myself but a couple of my friends go there and they’re very “pretty” people LOL.</p>

<p>As long as you’re not woefully hideous, it probably can’t hurt.</p>

<p>LOL Thanks.</p>

<p>I think if you have visited the campus or have personally met any of the admissions people - it could be a help. When I did graduate school admissions, I always found photos helpful if the applicants had come to the campus for interviews. Otherwise, I don’t really think it would make a difference, but I guess it couldn’t hurt.</p>



<p>I sent in my generic senior year school photo. </p>

<p>I actually think it’s great they give applicants the option of doing this; if they actually print the pictures and stick them in our files, the process is somehow made more human because I think the adcom will be reminded they’re judging real people.</p>

<p>I sure hope they don’t keep someone’s picture!</p>

<p>Cornell Hotel School requires professional headshots as part of the application lol. Not too many non-pretty types in that school suffice it to say.</p>




<p>Thanks, that made my day! </p>

<p>Brown asks for photos too. </p>

<p>I really don’t think they make a difference in admissions results. Just imagine all of the files AOs have to read, and how it would make it easier to remember stats, accomplishments, interests, etc. related to an actual face as opposed to pieces of paper.</p>

<p>An interesting subject. Psychology studies have been done in the past in the context of using, among others, college admissions personnel and employers who do hiring (the subjects of the study) to see what effect photos of the candidates on a resume have. They found that, though the subjects themselves ranged from good looking to ugly and though they did not recognize they were doing it, the subjects universally favored good looking candidates over the plain or ugly ones even though the background and accomplishments of the candidates were, in the written part of the application or resume, exactly the same. The conclusion of the studies: being good looking created a large advantage when photos were provided as part the application process.</p>

<p>i agree with drusba… of course they won’t purposely favor you if your pretty but if two applicants are exactly the same but one is prettier than the other…</p>

<p>I guess, the admission officers want to see if the person in the picture matches with the person they imagined from reading his/her personal statement. :P</p>

<p>wait, does Brown really ask for photos?</p>

<p>i applied early decision, and was deferred, but i never saw an area to include a photograph.</p>

<p>heyy this might be irrevalent to the thread but i really have to ask! i sent the msg it was upload successfully. but when i view my document, it says that “Quicktime and a decompressor are needed to see this picture.”</p>

<p>Any help? Thanks!</p>