Sending ACT and SAT Subject test Scores to UC and CSU

Hello Community,

I would like to clarify regarding sending ACT and SAT Subject test scores to UC’s and CSU’s

  1. Timing: Do you need to send scores post acceptance to UC’s/CSU or before ? Does it vary for ACT and SAT Subject test ?

  2. Number of scores: For ACT, do you need to send your best scores including writing or you need to send ALL test scores you have taken ? For SAT Subject test, do you send your best score or ALL ?

  3. Distribution : You send it to one UC only and it gets distributed to rest of the campuses as per your application. For CSU, you send it to one CSU and use tool CSU Mentor site.

  4. Exceptions: Is there is special consideration for campuses like SJSU which requires scores earlier ?

Thanks in advance.

  1. You need to send ACT/SAT scores before the December 31 deadline so prior to them reviewing your UC application. If you want the UC’s to consider your SAT subject tests, you also need to send them by the December 31 deadline.

  2. The UC’s recommend to send all ACT and/or SAT scores and you can use score choice for the SAT subject tests. You are not required to send all scores and they will only use the highest score from a single sitting.

  3. Yes, you can send the scores to one UC and one CSU campus and they will be shared to all campuses to which you applied.

  4. SJSU’s deadline for test scores is January 10, 2020 so not that early. Cal Poly SLO and San Diego state have January deadlines but will only accept up to the November sitting.

Thanks Gumbymom.

For #2 - Since sending an ACT score has an additional cost for each test date, is it worth sending ALL scores to UC’s and CSU’s if only highest score is considered ?

UC’s consider only the highest sitting with essay so you can send in only one although they recommend sending all but it is up to you. I am only posting the recommendations.

CSU’s will superscore the ACT so sending in multiple sittings could be advantageous.