Sending ACT scores to some colleges and SAT's to others...

<p>I was researching and found that for some colleges, you can just send the ACT scores and dont even have to take SAT2's while others require sat/act and sat2's. </p>

<p>I know that when you send in the sat2 scores colleges see ALL you previous tests. in order to avoid this (i did badly on my sat1's), can i send act and sat2 scores to those colleges that require them and ONLY ACT scores to the colleges that dont require sat2's with the ACT? i just want to know if the scores on every application have to be consistent...</p>


<p>You can do that.</p>

<p>gigante is absolutely right...put down whatever puts your best foot forward for each school. The only thing to be careful of is the common app...if you're sending different scores to common app schools, don't send them electronically. You have the option of printing your common app out and mailing the hard copy...</p>
