Sending ACT test scores to the High School

<p>If I send my ACT score to my High School, they said they will automatically put it on my transcript when they send it to colleges. This will be my first attempt at the ACT and I have only prepped for the SAT. I thought the good thing about the ACT was that you could send only the scores you want with your college aps. Should I NOT send it to my high school and then just send the best score to the colleges? Is there any other reason I should send it to my high school? I'm confused</p>

<p>Yes, do not send to your HS if they put test scores on your transcript. Use Score Choice to its fullest. Instead of HS code, just check ‘I don’t know it’. Once you are happy with your score it should be sent to your HS so you may be considered for local scholarships for which your HS might nominate you.</p>