Sending AP Exam Scores to Colleges

Do I need to send my AP exam scores to each of the UCs that I applied to or do I send them to just one of the UCs? Also, if I end up not taking one of the AP Exams that I listed on my application for May 2017, will that do anything to my acceptance?

I think you have to send AP scores after you’ve been accepted so dont worry about that now

If you wont take an exam then i suggest you go to your UC application and delete it from it. (If you can, i haven’t updated mine in a while so i dont know if you can change anything anymore, but i had deleted a SAT subject test bc i wasnt going to take it so you could remove it!) Best of luck

AP scores are not considered in your UC admission decisions. You are not bound to taking the exams you have listed on your application unless you want to receive college credit. You do not have to update the schools. You will just send all your AP scores to the UC you plan to enroll at the end of Senior year.