Sending AP scores after deadline?

I live in California so I didn’t find out my AP scores until I checked today (7/10) and the deadline to send AP scores to UCSC is 7/15. For some dumb reason, I didn’t enter my college code on the AP exam sheet. I ended up passing all of my exams and I could get credit/units for them.

Even if I did rush delivery (5-9 days) I don’t trust that my scores will arrive on time… is it possible to send AP scores at a later date to use for credit?? It doesn’t seem fair that California kids (except those who use VPN lol) don’t find out until a few days before the deadline to submit… I don’t want my scores to go to waste, especially after spending like $300 lol

I just want to know if I could still use my AP scores at a later date for proof that I have some college units/credits

If you request via phone o fax from AP Services before July 13 6:30 pm ET, your score report can be sent via rush delivery. I think you should do that before your orientation day so that you can enroll classes that have a dependency on your AP test result e.g. Calculus. Also, bring a copy of your score report to orientation day just in case. By now, you should have been advised who your college undergraduate adviser, email to him/her about your situation.