Sending AP scores

I was admitted to a UC, but if I haven’t passed any AP exams do I still have to send all my scores?

Did you self-report any AP scores on your UC application? Did you indicate you would be taking AP exams for the AP classes you were taking Senior year? Usually when you take your Senior AP exams, you indicate on the AP test form which school you will be attending to have them automatically sent, so did you do that?

@Gumbymom Yeah I did self report my scores. I didn’t indicate the school I’m attending when taking the exam though. I still have to? If that’s the case I’m worried that my scores won’t be received in time because apparently older AP scores take awhile to be sent?

All scores even the older scores are all sent at the same time.

@Gumbymom Oh ok thank you! Also, is it kind of a disadvantage that I don’t have any AP credit?

Not a disadvantage other than you will not be able to opt out of these classes and will need to take them if required in college.