Sending Applications to collges

<p>OK i have this question.
since i'm applying to 15 universities, i don't want to send each one a separate e-mail , so i'll just ask the question here.</p>

<p>Most of these universities use the Common Application.
i can fill some of it online and send it online.
the rest such as the teacher's recommendations, school reports, mid-year reports etc. have to be sent by mail</p>

<p>so i wanted to ask if my school has to send these reports and recommendations directly?
can i send them directly?
or can the school seal all the letters, give it to me, then i send them directly?</p>

<p>thanks a lot</p>

<p>I did some checking on this and, in fact, called many schools. They all said the same thing... GC recommendations, mid year reports, etc... all must come from the GC. Transcripts from the GC. SAT scores, of course, from the SAT folks. Teacher recs can be collected by the applicant in signd and sealed envelopes and sent by the applicant to the school. This is the approach we are using....easier than trying to check with the teacher(s) to see if they sent ALL the recs, when, whether they were received - - -easier to collect the teacher rec(s) and send it by express or certified to the colleges</p>

<p>One of my d's teachers sent the recs in himself; she never saw it. The other wrote the letter at the end of junior year, since he was leaving the school. He gave it to her, unsealed, since she didn't know yet where she was applying. She put them in the envelopes, sealed them and sent them.</p>

<p>The GC sent the school stuff directly.</p>

<p>Some high schools have the teachers give the recommendations to the GC, who sends them along with the school's information. If your school does it that way, that's OK too.</p>

<p>I don't think it made one whit of difference.</p>