sending college transcript if got a D in a class while in high school

My daughter submitted her csu application and included a college class she is taking this semester. The class is an a-g math class (she already has 4 years of math for high school so this class would be a 5th year).

If she gets a D in the community college class, would she have to send that transcript in? The class won’t be on her high school transcript.

  1. If the Math class is CSU/UC transferable and an a-g course, then yes she would have to send a transcript regardless of the grade and regardless if she has already exceeded the a-g Math requirements.

  2. Since she is a Senior, all CSU/UC acceptances are provisional meaning if she does receive a D in that class, her acceptances could be rescinded.

  3. She needs to do everything within her power to make sure she passes the class with a C- or higher. If she is not doing well and can still drop the course, I would suggest it.

ugh! Hopefully she can pull off a c or it might end up being a tough life lesson.