<p>So we all know that the CollegeBoard gives you 4 free score reports for your SAT registration, and you have to pay for any others.</p>
<p>Here's my situation: I only really plan on applying to 3-4 schools, with 1 safety I'm almost guaranteed to get into [UT's 10% rule].</p>
<p>The others are pretty good schools [UChicago, Duke, Rice]. I'm wondering if I should put them down to receive the score reports, or whether I should wait to know how I did instead?</p>
<p>If they do super score, do it. If not…and if you are not so confident, don’t. If you think you’ll get an acceptable score (whatever your standard is), do it.</p>
<p>My teacher was talking about this. So, you don’t know what score you got when you get to send your 4 freebies in? Like you can’t wait until after the test and send 4 in? </p>
<p>And if I’m applying to like 10 schools, I have pay 6x15=90. It cost 15 to send to each school, right?</p>