Sending IB Diploma to UPenn

Hi. Did penn ask you all to send ib grades? it’s in the checklist. will i get rescinded if I dont get the the IB diploma?

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Pretty much every uni wants your final transcript, and if your achieved grades are very different than expected that can be a problem. What’s happening with your final marks/diploma?

My school doesnt send predicted grades. our focus generally is getting school grades. they never told us we had to work on getting exam scores

Check the conditions on your admission offer to see what the college wants to see when they look at your final transcript. Typically, this includes seeing the previously reported in-progress courses completed with sufficiently high grades. The definition of “sufficiently high grades” can be given explicitly (e.g. “GPA >= x.y with no D or F grades”) or vaguely (“we expect you to maintain your previous academic performance”). The latter is often more stress inducing for high school seniors whose last semester grades are slightly worse than before. But check if there are any IB score conditions as well (uncommon at US universities).

IB scores are not an issue if you are attending HS in the US. Not completing an IB diploma may be an issue if you indicated on your application that you would be doing so.

They only ones that can answer your question with certainty work at Penn; ask them.