sending in a picture with your app

<p>are you allowed to send in a fun pic of yourself?? lol</p>

<p>Supplementary material is supposed to add something to your application that you can’t get from anywhere else on the app. What purpose do you want to serve by sending in a picture?</p>

<p>If your goal is to show MIT something awesome that you did and you happen to be in the picture, I’d say it’s ok. If you think you’re going to get in if you’re good-looking and you send a picture, I’d say that you need to reevaluate your goals.</p>

<p>me with a robot?</p>

<p>I mean, I sent in a picture of our FIRST robot, with me pointing to a specific component that I had designed. I sent it with an update letter that talked about the work I had done with my team, so it made sense. I still don’t really understand why you want to send this picture, but if you think that it will enhance your application and add additonal information that can’t be found elsewhere, than it fits within the category of ‘acceptable supplementary materials’.</p>

<p>send in a pic of some famous actor and see if you get in. I want to see pics of the letter you receive.</p>

<p>^huh?? are you being serious?!!? =O</p>