<p>So a few weeks ago, I sent in an updated letter since I was deferred reiterating my interest and new accomplishments. </p>
<p>Now, I realized that I had forgotten to mention one achievement on my common application. I was asked by my chemistry teacher during my junior year to work as a TA for one of her chem 1 classes. I completely did not think of this until today…would it be wise to fax or mail in this information in a very brief letter? </p>
<p>I do not want to send in too much, but I also think this is a kind of cool thing that I did that could help me stand out - I completely I didn’t even think about it during application time. Would it look bad to send it in now, stating that I had forgotten to write it down on my initial application? </p>
<p>Thanks for any advice!</p>
<p>Did you accept her offer, though? Because at my school, my Chem teacher asks everyone who has taken AP Chem to be his TA and only around 2 people accept so it’s not really based on the student’s achievements because being a TA isn’t a big deal. If your school is like that and you didn’t actually become a TA, then I don’t think it’s worth sending an extra notification to them. </p>
<p>If you did, then it definitely can’t hurt to let them know.
Maye briefly describe what you did and how you impacted/helped the teacher in a letter; I don’t think you need to say you forgot it in your initial application- they’ll probably figure it out. </p>
<p>Sorry I’m no help. I’m in the same boat as you; updating my deferred college soon. Did you just send your updated materials to Brown, or are you sending it to all your colleges?</p>
<p>Sorry, yes…I did accept to become her TA. I did chem research at local college during the summer which was why I was asked. I probably will update them on that then - i still can’t believe I forgot to mention it in my initial app.</p>
<p>Did you apply ED to brown as well? </p>
<p>I just sent an updated letter to Brown - none of my other colleges. However, I am considering sending in the cover page of a project that I worked on to Brown as well as my second choice. idk…I hadn’t really thought about sending in updated material to any of my other colleges - its a good idea though. So you are planning on doing that?</p>
<p>Oh how cool! Yeah it can only boost your application. I mean, the worst that can happen is that you annoy the admissions officer a bit but hey, every bit of information counts. </p>
<p>No, I applied ED to Duke, but I havn’t sent them anything yet. Not even an email to let them know I’m still interested. T_T Because I wanted to send in all extra materials along with my midyear report so I don’t have to pay for extra stamps… but yeah, I think I’m going to update all my colleges. My application’s kind of weak to begin with soooo… I hope it helps, haha. Good luck! I hope you get in. :)</p>
<p>Yeah…I am really worried about annoying the adcom’s with too much supplemental materials! But yeah…oh well. Lol.</p>
<p>Thanks! Good luck with your Duke app as well - I hope you get accepted! My application is somewhat weak too test score/academic wise, so I am really trying to stand out with extracurriculars/community service. It’s so hard not to become too hopeful or excited with such a low shot of getting accepted…but I guess everything will work out how its suppose to in the end.</p>