<p>Im applying to MIT through the online application, and I want to send in a video of me performing magic tricks, because it's a passionate hobby of mine. How do I do this?</p>
<p>Any extra material should be sent to</p>
<p>MIT Office of Admissions
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Room 3-108
Cambridge, MA 02139</p>
<p>Note that you should include your name and birthday on all materials that you send.</p>
<p>I'm posting here after a long time...</p>
<p>I also sent in a lot of stuff. If they had seen the stuff I had sent them, they would've probably accepted me. After I got rejected, I called there, and they said they don't look at any of it, they only look at the application. They only look at this "extra" stuff if there is more than one person who has almost the same stuff, if you know what I'm trying to say.</p>
<p>tellallyourfriends, please bear in mind that I'm not telling you to not send.</p>
<p>Well, magic is a real passionate hobby of mine, and I think it really defines who I am. I didn't write my long essay about it, so I want the officers to understand the love I have for magic. So I'm planning on sending a video of me doing some street magic. But if the material doesn't get looked at I guess it's not worth the effort putting the video together. But then again, who could pass up the oppurtunity to see MAGIC TRICKS ?!</p>
<p>I'm sorry, but I believe the admissions officers have said they'll look at any supplemental material applicants send in. So tellallyourfriends, if you feel like the video will present a side of you not presented in other parts of the application, go to town on it.</p>
<p>kdd, weren't you applying for transfer admissions? It's not the same process as freshman admissions anyway, and I have trouble believing that anyone would be told over the phone that their supplemental material "wasn't looked at" (although I do question the utility of calling to see "why" one was rejected in the first place).</p>
from Matt, here:</a>
I recommend making sure any non-required application pieces are sent early in the process. We will consider any pieces that are part of your application.
<p>from Matt, [url=<a href="http://matt.mitblogs.com/archives/2004/12/q_an1.html%5Dhere%5B/url">http://matt.mitblogs.com/archives/2004/12/q_an1.html]here[/url</a>],
I'd say it's best to try to get things in by the beginning of February, but anything sent in before decisions are mailed in mid-to-late March will be considered in your decision.
<p>from Matt, [url=<a href="http://matt.mitblogs.com/archives/2006/01/january_questio.html%5Dhere%5B/url">http://matt.mitblogs.com/archives/2006/01/january_questio.html]here[/url</a>],
Anything you send will be considered up until decisions are mailed. If you want your supplemental material considered within the context of the selection committee, I recommend you send in things by the end of January.
<p>tellallyourfriends, as i said before I'm not telling you to not send.</p>
<p>wow, what a process! they have time to look at thousands of supplemental material, but other dept. doesn't have time to go through 300? </p>
because before about a week, i started feeling like i wouldn't get in, because they wouldn't look at all the supplemental material i sent.</p>
<p>edit: yes, i applied for a transfer.</p>
<p>Check out the quotes above. Matt has said many times that they'll look at anything applicants send. And he is the authority.</p>
<p>also, why did the person i called said they hadn't seen my CD???</p>
I'd say it's best to try to get things in by the beginning of February, but anything sent in before decisions are mailed in mid-to-late March will be considered in your decision.<br>
i sent in everything with my app.</p>
did that. the CD wasn't viewed...</p>
<p>tellallyourfriends, sorry for hijacking your thread. :P</p>
<p>Okay thanks Mollie, and kdd. I really appreciate the fast responses. If I'm applying EA, I should send them in November, the same time the applications are due, right?</p>
<p>well, i applied as a transfer. so, i know very little about EA... but i'd say, November should be fine. the 3 quotes mollie posted should help you out with your question.</p>