Sending in new awards

<p>I just got a new "award" if you could call it that, and I was wondering how "prestigious" something should be before you send in additional information notifying Yale of it. How should I go about doing that if I decide to send in new information?</p>

<p>I got All-American Honors in boys HS swimming if that helps</p>

<p>my D has been nominated for the Silver Knight Award( State award) in science and also got 800 in sat II in french and i was wondering the same question. can someone please answer how we should do? thank you!</p>

<p>i’m in the same boat…i’ve gotten a few awards also, and i’m going to send them in. worst case scenario, yale just ignores them, but i think that any little thing helps with getting into yale :)</p>

<p>Many colleges prefer updates via snail mail, not e-mail. I would call the Yale Admissions to find out which they prefer. As for content, just say you’re an applicant for admissions next fall and you’ve received a new award since submitting your application. Then briefly explain it and ask that the letter be included in your admissions file. Be sure to include the name of your high school and your SS No./ID No. </p>

<p>LVeC – Your D needs to ask College Board to send her updated SAT scores.</p>

are you in contact with the coach? they might be the most interested in that information. Perhaps start with the coach? are you being recruited? Could you compete? are your times in league with current Yale swimmers times in your events?</p>

<p>I emailed the admissions officer for my region with the updated honors (for SCEA) after I submitted my app, and the officer even replied saying that she would update my file. Apparently, it worked since I got in… just make sure you give them all your identification numbers and whatnot.</p>

I think it is not that crucial though
maybe wrong</p>

<p>definitely send anything extra (awards etc.) in…it will only help your chances (it will at least show your continued interest if nothing else)</p>

<p>Sending in additional achievements can never hurt your resume, so by all means, contact your local admissions officer and ask them to add it to your file. For athletics, if you are planning on swimming in college, you may also want to inform the coach of your achievement, especially if you previously submitted an athletic supplement without the new information.</p>

<p>Suggest you fax the update with your name, birthdate, high school and common app ID. yale is estimated to receive 26000 applications. Just emailing is likely to get forgotten. A fax page will be added to your file. Definitely include the update. It can’t hurt unless you harass the admissions officers repeatedly.</p>