Sending in transcript after application deadline?

My high school closed for a week before winter break due to a snow storm, and I was unable to request for my transcript to be sent prior to the winter break.

The earliest I can request for the transcript to be sent is January 3rd. Most schools I am applying to have deadlines on January 1st.

Will my application still be considered if all my other application materials are already completed and sent? I emailed all the schools about my issue (but some may also be on holiday break until January 3rd).


Yes. In almost every case, schools are flexible with regards to supplementary materials (transcripts, test scores, recommendations, etc.) because they understand they are largely out of your control. That being said, hopefully this is a lesson to you to request this sort of stuff much further in advance. You should be fine.

Thanks @collegeboundrva

Most of the colleges replied saying that it would be fine if my materials arrived a bit later. However, to future college applicicants:

Request all your materials to be sent BEFORE winter break! My application will still be considered, but it will not be given priority. This means that I may receive my application decision later than normal.