Sending In Your Sat Scores

<p>Some colleges im applying to require that you send all of your sat scores.
i took the sat in 10th grade and i didn't do well.
2nd time was 11th grade in which i did a lot better.
by college boards score selection i can choose to send in only the 11th grade one.
should i send in both or send in the a lot better score for the colleges that require you send in all scores? will they know that i only sent them my 11th grade score, not my 10th grade?
Please Help!</p>

<p>You should send in both your scores. Firstly, many colleges have this mix-and-match where they take your best section score (be it from any sitting) and add it to create the maximum possible superscore. Sending them multiple SAT scores will help in that.</p>

<p>Moreover, don’t be ashamed of your low SAT scores in the first attempt. Colleges won’t hold that against you. In fact, if your improvement in the two sittings was drastic, it could actually paint a good picture of your dedication and improvement.</p>