Sending JUST the ACT, no SATS or SAT II's?

<p>Do colleges look down on this, especially if you are in a state that mainly takes the SAT? Would they be suspicious that you are not sending in scores that are horrible or something?</p>

<p>Thanks everyone. :)</p>

<p>Most colleges do accept ACT/SAT II or SAT/SAT II . Check your school if they accept it go here: SparkCollege:</a> Find Your College. Find it Fast.
type in your college, click ADMISSIONS </p>

<p>My personal experience I would go for the SAT then if you see it is hard then go the ACT. Skip one ACT date then take the next one(more time to study) if you have time.</p>

<p>If you don’t... sorry</p>

<p>My scores</p>

<p>SAT-600,700,650(not good enough to get into Berkeley, if you are outstate, that is why I am in CC wanting to transfer)</p>

your choice....</p>

<p>I have a friend that just used her ACT score to Colgate last year. She took the SAT and SAT II's but just didn't send them cause her ACT was higher. She was accepted ED no problem (and loves it!)</p>

<p>Each year standardized tests play an increasingly diminished role in the admissions process. Only submit scores that you feel adequately represent your academic capabilities. If that means only submitting the ACT to a college that allows for ACT substitution, go for it.</p>

<p>On the other hand, I think it's probably true that colleges look down upon kids that only take the ACT in an SAT state. But that's only my intuition speaking, which has a tendency to be inaccurate at times.</p>

<p>If a school accepts ACT in lieu of SAT I and SAT II, they do not "look down" at kids who only take ACT, no matter where they are from. Regional differences are historical, and they are gone in this Internet age.</p>

<p>If a school looked down at the ACT, it would say so. It's their game and their rules. If a school wants SAT IIs in addition to the ACT, it would say so; Harvard and Georgetown do. If a school accepts the ACT instead of both SAT I and SAT II, it says so; Yale and Vassar do. Why would they lie? </p>

<p>Take the test you are most comfortable with, and that meets the school's requirements, and don't worry about where you live.</p>

<p>wow chedva... that's a i think "9-10"essay</p>