Sending multiple SAT test scores to colleges?

<p>Can you send multiple SAT test scores to the colleges you've applied to? For example, I've already sent my SAT test scores to UCs. However, I've just taken the Dec. SAT and, if they are good, I would like to have the UCs consider them also. </p>

<p>Do I just send another report after my Dec. SAT scores come in? Will all of the UC's consider these Dec. scores? Should I use "rush delivery" or "regular delivery?"</p>


<p>Yep. Lots of people send different test scores.</p>

<p>I don’t know about the timing, though.</p>

<p>UCs accept through Dec test scores. You can order them sent regular delivery but should do so right when the scores come out. They will be considered if you do that.</p>