Sending packages to paty?

<p>i was going to order something to have sent to paty … but i wasn’t sure how to enter the address. there were boxes for the address but the paty address was more lines than i had boxes!</p>

<p>this is, of course, ordering online … so, those of you who have ordered online to ship to paty … how dod you enter the address?</p>

<p>When I ship via UPS, I do it this way…</p>

<p>Student’s Name/Dorm
c/o Paty Delivery Center
210 McCorvey Drive
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401</p>

<p>Then, I list my son’s e-mail and phone number.</p>

<p>oh, i bet that would work.</p>

<p>here is the address listed on the website:</p>

<p>The University of Alabama
Student First Name and Last Name/Student Residence Hall
Paty Hall
210 McCorvey Dr.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487</p>

<p>TOO MANY LINES! haha</p>

<p>Used momreads format for on-line order, worked perfectly, package was ready for us at move-in.</p>

<p>I usually have my packages addressed the same way momreads mentioned. If needed, you could leave out the name of her dorm so that her address would be written as:</p>

<p>Student’s Name
c/o Package Delivery Ctr, Paty Hall
210 McCorvey Dr.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401</p>

<p>I’m sure that it would be acceptable to abbreviate the name of her dorm ie Riverside W for Riverside West.</p>


<p>I just ordered a tv from Amazon and filled in the shipping info this way.</p>

<p>On the name line, I put his name followed by a “/” and then his dorm name.</p>

<p>On the 1st address line I put

<p>On the 2nd address line I put </p>

<p>210 McCorvey Dr.</p>

<p>And then put the city, state, zip code in their respective boxes.</p>

<p>It seems to have worked fine as the tv was delivered there today.</p>

<p>I think I left of the Paty Hall part, but I’m sure the local UPS & FedEx drivers know where the package delivery center is by now.</p>

<p>I sent a package out yesterday Fed-Ex and my son was emailed today to come and pick it up. Easier than I thought !</p>