<p>what happens if you send the same score twice. Went on to send May scores to a few schools who have 11/1 deadlines (still pending and order was placed on 10/15 by the way) and tonight went on to send October score. Rather than pick and choose, it was just easier to send to all scores. So, 4-5 schools will receive the May score twice. I gotta believe that this is ok and the systems will recognize a duplicate score.</p>
<p>I took my SAT 1 in October and sent my scores to 4 colleges. Then I took my SAT 2’s in November and sent the all the scores to the 4 colleges (these scores included both those from the SAT 2’s and the one from the SAT 1 taken in October).
Now I took a retake of the SAT 1 in December. If I want to send my scores to the same colleges, should I choose to select and send all scores or just the one taken in December since the colleges already have my previous scores?</p>
<p>Or does it not really matter?</p>
<p>I will bump this thread, because I now have the same questions.</p>