<p>I am applying to several colleges that allow score choice. However, they usually "strongly recommend" I send all of the scores. If I got a 2010 my first time, and 2240 my second time, should I send both to show that I have improved, or only the 2240? I took the first in Nov and second in March both junior year. I'm also Asian, btw, so they might really frown upon the 2010, I don't know. </p>
<p>If the college, “strongly recommends” sending all the scores, what do you think they want? Some or all?</p>
<p>They would like all but that doesn’t mean I have to send all bc they also allow score choice. So basically I interpret it as whatever combination of scores makes me look best but that’s what I’m asking on this thread</p>
<p>Bump ?</p>
<p>Send them all dude. </p>