Sending SAT Scores to Colleges

<p>Quick question. I sent all my SAT scores to colleges about a week or week and a half ago. However, I just took the December SAT today, and if these scores go up, I will rush them to the schools... I just realized that the schools may end up getting the December SAT scores BEFORE the older score report (b/c that wasn't sent rushed... it takes 3-5 weeks according to CollegeBoard for the colleges to get the score report... and i only sent mine about a week ago, I think) So what happens if they get the new, rushed scores first? Do you think they are smart enough to discard the scores that come in later (the less current ones)? Or is this something I should call each invididual school about... Thank you</p>

<p>bump bump bump... any words of wisdom?</p>

<p>..... bump! some1 please answer.. thanks</p>

<p>I think they will disregard the scores that come later. Suppose they get your Dec scores first, they'll see something like:</p>

<p>Dec SAT I 900V 900M
Oct SAT I 850V 850M
Jan SAT II blah blah blah</p>

<p>Then, when the scores you didn't rush come afterwards, they'll see all your scores except the Dec one. So they'll look up the record, and say, "Hmm... these scores are already here." I think you'll be fine.</p>

<p>But if you want to be sure, you better call them up. Sometimes they can be VERY careless. I sent my transcript along with my other documents in the SAME envelope to a particular college I don't want to mention, but they send letters telling me that they haven't received my transcript. Some people can be very sloppy.</p>

<p>thanks very much for the reply... any1 else have an opinion on this? or any1 else in the same situation? if so, what did you do (or what do you plan to do?)</p>