<p>From Berkeley's page:</p>
<p>"Freshman applicants for fall 2015 must arrange to have official score reports sent to us by December 2014. If you plan to take an exam December, indicate the planned test date on your admission application."</p>
<p>I'm not sure whether it's alright for them to receive the scores during December? If they want it to be received before December, then I'll need to rush ship it.</p>
<p>Save yourself some money … there’s no need to rush your scores. As long as you take the December exam and have them sent right away, they’ll get them in time. </p>
<p>Oh, ok thanks! Except I’m not taking the December SAT. Do you have any idea if it’s alright for non-December SAT scores to arrive after November 30th?</p>
<p>As long as it was taken before December (ie, January is too late!!!), then it’s fine if your test scores arrive after November 30th. No worries. The December test takers can send theirs using the normal handling and yours will get there before theirs!
My son took his in December and his scores got there just fine. </p>
<p>Ah, ok. Thank you so much for your help!</p>