<p>Does anyone know if the ivies require that you send all of your subject test scores?
I ask because I have a couple of scores in the low and mid 600's and I'm afraid that even if I have 3 solid subject test scores in the mid to high 700's, that the lower scores might hurt me. If I do have to send all of my scores, will only the top 3 be considered, or will the fact that I have some lower scores be taken into account and resultantly, hurt me. Also, how will this issue be regarded if I have lower test scores (subject tests) that were retaken to boost their scores (going from a score in the 600's to 700's)?</p>
<p>Depends on the ivy</p>
<p>Brown no
Princeton no
Harvard no
Yale yes
Upenn yes
cornell yes
Dmouth no</p>