Sending Specific SAT II Scores?

<p>Hello CC,</p>

<p>Last year (Sophomore-June), I took SAT II Math I, thinking it wouldn't be too hard. Got a 600. Now, obviously, I'm going to study for other tests, and hopefully get really high scores.</p>

<p>But do I have to send the 600? >.<
What if I get an 800 on the Math II?</p>

<p>I'm Class of 2010 if that matters.</p>


<p>Yes you have to send all scores. And a 600 on math I, but a 800 on math II? Keep believing that if it makes you happy.</p>

<p>Edit: I didn’t see that your class of 2010. You may be able to send your scores separately then, but I am not 100% sure. Go read on CB to double check.</p>

<p>If you are of class 2014, you will be able to select which SatII scores and which SatI sitting to send ;)</p>