<p>I was told that I needed to send my TAX returns to various schools that I applied to.</p>
<p>I applied to 6 schools.</p>
<p>Do I fax my tax returns to all 6 schools?</p>
<p>Do I fax my tax returns for FAFSA?</p>
<p>Do I fax my tax returns for CSS?</p>
<p>Where do I fax the tax returns to?</p>
<p>If any of your schools is requesting COPIES (make copies…do not send your only set) of you tax returns as part of the financial aid application process…you send copies to those schools. Send a copy to school A, send a copy to school B…etc. </p>
<p>Check to make sure they will accept your tax returns by Fax. Some schools will and others will not.</p>
<p>DO NOT mail your tax returns to the FAFSA folks. They don’t want them. </p>
<p>A small number of schools that use the Profile also use IDOC. If you have schools using that, you would submit your tax returns to IDOC with an IDOC cover sheet. You would receive instructions to do so AFTER filing a Profile from schools requiring that you submit documents to IDOC.</p>
<p>BUT the bottom line is…check EACH college for what THEY require and provide it to them…on time.</p>
<p>OH…and if they don’t ask for it…don’t send it.</p>
<p>When I logged into collegeboard IDOC, it says only Johns Hopkins requires it, so I’m assuming I don’t need to send it to my two other schools I applied for CSS. (Boston College, and U Michigan)</p>
<p>Also, I don’t need to send a copy of my tax returns to schools I did FAFSA for right?
For example, I applied FAFSA for the University of Maryland, do I need to send UMaryland a copy of my tax returns because I applied for FAFSA?</p>
<p>I know that FAFSA doesn’t require my tax returns.</p>
<p>If the FAFSA schools want to verify your financial information they will request your tax returns. We are selected for verification every FAFSA for every student so have had to sent copies every time. Some schools verify everyone, some verify all those selected for verification by FAFSA (* by the EFC), some verify only a % of those selected for verification by FAFSA. They will let you know.</p>
<p>CHECK YOUR COLLEGES WEBSITES!! And yes…I’m yelling.</p>
<p>DD applied to a FAFSA only school. The SCHOOL wanted us to send them our tax returns as part of the finaid application process.</p>
<p>DD applied to two schools which used IDOC. We sent the tax documents to IDOC and they were sent to those schools.</p>
<p>DD applied to a FAFSA/Profile school that also wanted our tax returns as part of the application process. We mailed them to the school.</p>
<p>DS applied to a FAFSA/Profile school that required tax returns as part of the application process. We mailed them to the school.</p>
<p>DS’s other schools never asked for tax returns as part of the application process. We didn’t ever send them.</p>
<p>All of the above scenerios are different. These were DIFFERENT SCHOOLS. You need to check and see what YOUR school(s) want…and where to send the info…and when.</p>
<p>Some schools REQUIRE tax returns as part of the application process. Some schools do not.</p>
<p>This is completely different from verification. Verification happens when the school requests the information to verify that what is ON your FAFSA reflects what is ON your returns.</p>