Sending the App Early

Reguardless of if you do Early Decision or Regular Decision does the earlier you send your application make any difference? Can it help you get in if you are borderline or does it make a difference? Thanks.

<p>bump .</p>

<p>Good question, dark penguin! I hadn't thought about that one, but now you have me wondering. . .if you send it early will they have more time to read it and take the time to get interested in you, or is more time a bad thing, because it equals more time to pick you apart and see what your shortcoming are?</p>

<p>Of course I don't really know, but I bet they will probably spend the same amount of time on your application nomatter when you mail it in. If could effect, though, whether you get read during the first few days when they adcom is fresh or in the last week, when they are sick of reading apps.</p>

<p>i don't think it matters. I think they wait until all the apps are in and then start reading.</p>

<p>don't rush your time just becuase you think it'll give you a better chance</p>

<p>You will at least have more time to make sure all parts of your application have been received.</p>

<p>I don't think it will help to have it early, but it might help to make sure that the app and all of the supporting info (transcripts, recs) are not late. From what I've read, a typical setup is to have two readers for each app. Based on the results of the readers, the app will then be an auto-deny, auto-admit, or be referred to the committee. (Large public universities are more numbers driven.)</p>

<p>The exception is Rolling Admissions where you can apply as early as possible.</p>

<p>If you do everything early, you won't be rushed in sending in your app, and assuming you fill it all out during the summer, you won't have to worry about managing schoolwork at the same time. Plus, as dufus said, you will have more time to make sure all your other materials are in.</p>