Senior Awards Night

<p>We just found out that UA is attending my daughters senior awards night to award her scholarship. Is this normal? It is certainly appreciated. UA keeps amazing us. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>We heard the same thing last week. I thought it was wonderful! Unfortunately, we can’t go. So we told the local rep not to make the trip. But I thought it was really great too!</p>

<p>That’s fantastic. </p>

<p>The personal touch at 'Bama is mind boggling. UA has cracked the code when it comes to recruiting top scholars.</p>

<p>Roll Tide and congrats!</p>

<p>I am continuously amazed by BAMA! We visited in April and I am crossing my fingers that my daughter chooses BAMA next year, I am already crafting with houndstooth fabric! Congrats!!!</p>

<p>Would be amazing if they did that for DS, the first kid ever to attend UA from his top HS.</p>

<p>What level awards are your students getting? I’ve haven’t heard anything and my son is getting the Presidential. </p>

<p>It would actually be nice if the UA rep did come as I get the “anyone can get into Alabama” and the “smart students go to UNC” impression from my son’s guidance dept.</p>

<p>We don’t even have an Alabama folder (we have an Auburn one) in our guidance dept ;)</p>

<p>Our rep asked my S to meet her in our school’s guidance counselor’s office (on a date where school is already over for him, we end Wednesday) so she can hand his him certificate.</p>

<p>I agree, the public recognition would be a great pat on the back for our kids who have chosen UA over some of the more “prestigious” school choices.</p>

<p>Chardo, if your rep is the same as Robotbldmom’s son, it could happen. The rep came to that LI school to present. You might contact the rep and ask.</p>

<p>That is just too very cool! We haven’t been contacted about anything like this, but that is an awesome offer to those of you who have. What a nice touch! :)</p>

<p>@ Class of 2012 Mom…It really isn’t about the pat on the back for my son, he would prefer they not come probably as he really doesn’t care what others think he is thrilled with Bama…but I think it might give the guidance dept a needed wake up call :slight_smile: as well as a clue to some of the other parents/students in attendance for younger siblings.</p>



<p>Guess the smart counselors went somewhere other than your son’s guidance department. ;)</p>

<p>We got the same ill-informed smirk from my son’s college guidance counselors until they visited 'Bama. Now they’re raving fans.</p>

<p>It’s amazing what those who are devoid of knowledge can learn when they take the time to educate themselves. Roll Tide.</p>



<p>Tell the counselors that if they had been smart enough to go to UA they wouldn’t be high school guidance counselors right now.</p>

<p>edit: I see Malanai beat me to the punch. I’d get help if I were him though. Thinking on the same wave level as me is not good for anyone.</p>

<p>Alabama sent its regional rep to present my son’s National Merit award three years ago. He was thrilled to meet her in person, but moreover, many of the other students attending the assembly were blown away when she read the details of the scholarship. Maybe it served to inspire some kids to do just a little better in their studies. </p>

<p>Graduating debt-free is amazing. My younger son hopes for the same.</p>

<p>My S would hate to be recognized that way. My post probably sounded a little crabby - sorry. Am a bit frustrated by the schedule making process and also by some of the comments I heard recently from parents of other engineering students.</p>

<p>Neither my son nor I feel we need to defend his choice and we are thrilled with UA and all it has to offer. I just think it would be nice for him to hear - just one time - something other than “did you get a football scholarship?” when he tells someone where he is going to school.</p>



<p>Shhh, I thought we were keeping this on the down-low. I’m hosting momreads’ son tomorrow. You’re gonna spook her, casino.</p>



<p>“No. But did you know there’s treatment for your ignorance? Sorry, of course not. You’re ignorant.”</p>

<p>I have a feeling that some of this may be a “surprise” for the students. The ONLY reason that we know is because the local rep contacted the guidance department directly to set it up, and they called me because they knew we would not be present. Our rep is going to come to the school to meet DS in guidance and hand him the award personally. </p>

<p>And he is getting presidential and the engineering- for whoever asked. He is not NMF. </p>

<p>If you are curious, contact your local reps. I am sure they will let you know.</p>



<p>Have him tell them “no, but thanks to our National Championship football program that helps fund academic scholarships. I’ll be going to college for free the next four years while you’ll be saddled with 100K debt upon graduation”. And if that doesn’t work then tell him to punch them in the face :-)</p>

<p>I have never heard anything from our regional rep…but then again we have never contacted her, either.</p>

“I have a feeling that some of this may be a “surprise” for the students”</p>

<p>In our rep’s case, the only surprise is that we heard from her at all. Honestly, my S is attending UA in spite of our rep, not because of her. She was totally non-responsive except for one time in which she did respond and gave us incorrect information. She also made a comment to me a reception that was totally unprofessional and to this day still bothers me. I would be stunned if our rep would put herself out to make any type of presentation at a night time awards event, at least in our geographic location.</p>