Senior Classes


<p>I am currently a junior in highschool. I am applying for my classes for my senior year. I have always wanted to push myself in class load to make my application look better. My grades are Bs and I have a wide range of extra activites. I am just not a student that stands out from other students. I feel that I am very average. So, my solution is to take really hard classes that set me apart from my smarter classmates. My issue is that it will be my senior year, and currently I am taking some really hard classes and I'm feeling stressed out. I don't want to be insane my senior year. I'm not scared about flunking the classes because it's too much, because I some how always pull through in the end. It's mostly a matter of my ablity to stay sane. Should I push through my senior year and take the hard classes so that I can get into my dream college, or should plan to relax my senior year and risk being average?</p>

<p>Thanks for help.</p>

<p>…depends on what level those “dream schools” are</p>

<p>most schools dont want to see difficulty decreasing senior year</p>