<p>AP Environmental Science
AP English Literature
AP English Language & Composition
AP Statistics
AP Gov/ Economics and Free Enterprise Honors
French III Dual Enrollment </p>
<p>This year I'm taking </p>
<p>AP Biology
AP Pyschology
AP US History
English Honors
Algebra II
French II</p>
<p>Also I Didn't take honors freshman and sophomore year for personal reasons do u think this would help me since I didn't take honors or aps.</p>
<p>That’s relatively soft for a senior, imo.</p>
<p>Why are you taking the easy way out with Stat and Environmental Science (neither are remotely challenging classes) rather than continuing with real math and science?</p>
<p>Well i don’t have the prereqs for calculus ab or bc. im taking ap bio also im interested in environmental science. Im taking stats because its an ap i could take trig precal honors but i hate math. I plan to double major in theater or literature and political science. AP English Lit and AP English Lan are not easy at my school. Wat should i do to spice up my schedule then.</p>