<p>Is this enough?
I am trying to decide if my senior course load is rigorous enough:
- AP Calculus BC
- AP Physics
- AP Stats
- AP Macro-Economics
- AP American Government and Politics
- Advanced Senior Seminar(English)
- Science Research Honors Program( like the one that that enter Intel ISEF competition and SIEMENS)</p>
<p>I have taken this AP's so far:
-AP Euro(5)
-AP Bio(4)
-AP Chem(dk no yet hoping for a 5)</p>
<li>Is this enough for a Straight BS-MD Program and would Med School require a math class caliber of BC Calc as it provides 2 semester of credit.</li>
<p>*I'm not neccesarily aiming for a prestigious university but a decent one</p>
<li>I would tremendously appreciate your help!!! Thanks!=)</li>