Senior Courses not accurate on transcript?

Hi, so I do dual enrollment at my high school so my senior year courses are not reflected on my transcript until I actually complete the courses and my school’s first semester ends (we are on a semester grading system)

I also changed my courses at the beginning of my senior year, but my final transcript that my counselor sent to colleges in the “school report” has completely different courses, and only lists 4 courses. However, when I self report on like the senior year courses for commonapp, I listed my more updated version.

So for context, I have these listed on my official HS transcript are finalized and shown in my counselor’s school report:
AP Comparative Gov
AP English Lit
AP Stats
Economics & Personal Finance Honors
with 4 intended dual enrollments but they aren’t listed on my transcript

However, the courses I am actually taking after all the schedule changes they made at the beginning of the year are:
AP Stats
AP Lit
AP Physics 1
AP Spanish
Economics & Personal Finance Honors
w/ three other dual enrollment

These changes aren’t updated at all because my school’s finalized senior transcripts were back in the beginning of September, and my counselor already submitted his school reports which includes the nonupdated transcript.

Will the colleges I am applying to evaluate my senior year courses on my Self report or my actual transcript? And will they think that I dropped courses or am lying because they aren’t showing up on my transcript during evaluations (they’ll see the true transcript updates for midyear and final) but I am applying Early Action so they’ll only have up to junior grades and 12th grade saying in progress.

I didn’t drop any courses, I just had a schedule change - and my counselor already submitted the old report. So I was wondering what should I do - or does it even matter?

The best would be for the counselor to reach out to the admissions departments with an explanation.

You can also attach an explanation with not all the classes you just did - but which you are not taking and which you are - that differ from the transcript. You can put it in the additional info section.

Or and maybe and - You can also write your admission counselor. If you did so, I’d put a table with two sides - old and new.

Match up the courses that were on the old and the new. So the first line is AP Stats because you listed it and are taking it.

Then when you get to the changed ones it will be clear to them.

That’s what I’d do.

Ps - yea I’m saying two different things. on the additional info - just the differences. But if you send an email in too, list both side by side in a table.

Best of luck.


I can’t answer this for all AOs and schools. This is not an uncommon problem (school report and/or transcript only reflecting first sem 12th classes). Not re-running the info after schedule changes is a separate problem.

To start with, make sure all your senior year courses are correctly listed in the appropriate common app section.

Ask your high school counselor to re-run your transcript and upload that to the school report/Naviance/Scoir. If they don’t, there’s not much you can do…you could pass along the following info:

Some schools/AOs will defer to the student reported 12th grade classes in cases where it’s obvious second semester classes are missing from counselor/school reported info. I don’t know why counselors think it’s ok to not include this info. Some AOs literally count up the number of advanced classes, which would include the new DE classes in second semester. (So this could disadvantage the student if said classes are missing.)

You can contact your AOs and point out the sitch to them. Obviously no need to do this for schools that use the SRAR, their own SRAR, or common app Courses and Grades (because you presumably reported your correct full year 12th schedule on those.) Good luck.

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