Senior Grades?

<p>I just sent in my app to Madison as an OOS student. I'm applying with a 4.11 GPA (4.0 UW) and 31 ACT, so I'm fairly confident I will get in.</p>

<p>My concern, however, is my senior schedule. I genuinely wanted to challenge myself, and am consequently taking 4 AP classes, including AP Physics. This course is particularly challenging because I enrolled in it without taking any previous physics courses, which is typically required. I'm concerned my GPA is going to take a hit from this class and its workload, especially since I have to spend much of my time getting extra help - though, worst case scenario, I wouldn't expect anything worse than a C mark, and a B or two in other AP classes. Should I be concerned about Wisco overturning my admissions decision when I send in senior grades?</p>

<p>They won’t see your senior year grades unless you get postponed. AP Physics B isn’t that hard. I took it without any prior physics classes and still got a 5 on the exam.</p>

<p>Strong algebra and trig skill set will help but physics is no cake walk. Only about 60% of takers got a 3 or better. Retaking class again in college will be easier having the AP experience.</p>

<p>How’d you already send in your application. I thought they didn’t start accepting applications until the 15th.</p>

<p>UW Admissions people do not start reviewing until September 15th (or maybe September 17th this year), but you can submit your completed application before then.</p>