Senior Grades

<p>Does Texas take first half of senior year grades when making admission decisions? Cuz first half senior year is going to raise my gpa a little bit and my class rank as well.</p>

<p>^ seconded</p>

<p>This is kind of a weird topic. I know in my school, I applied to University of Texas with a GPA of 4.20 out of 4.5 (ranked top 11%). My school only calculated my GPA through the end of my junior year. If they were to calculate it now, my GPA would be higher and I would be in the top 10% of my class. I’ve allways been told that your stats (GPA and class rank) stay the way they were when you applied. So if you bump up in class rank, they won’t acknowledge it. I could be wrong, this is just what I’ve been told. I think they want your final transcript (senior grades included) to make sure you’ve taken and passed all neccessary coursework to legally graduate from high school.</p>


<p>We were told last year by UT admissions, that if your class rank went up after you submitted your application, you can send them the updated improved ranking & they will use that one instead. Huge difference-- especially in your case where a move into the top 10% makes you an automatic admit!
Top 10% kids are finding out now that they’re in. 11th percent kids don’t find out around spring break time… It’s worth a quick phone call to see if that’s still their policy.
Good luck to you!</p>

<p>So is there any reason to send them my senior grades if I am in the top 10% as of the end of junior year??? Will they use it for scholarship purposes?</p>

<p>Find a way to let UT know that you are in the top 10% of your class now.</p>

<p>what if you get in the top 10% after they have rejected you?</p>

<p>didn’t happen to me, but just curious…</p>

<p>I Hope UT, There were notes here on cc previously, by theloneranger I think, that suggested that if you reached the top 10% of your class by the time you graduated, you could be admitted for the spring after you graduated. By the time your graduation stats are available, the fall class and the summer freshman class would be full, but because you made top 10%, you would get in. It sounded plausible to me, but I’d ask someone from the admissions office.</p>

<p>I think I’m going to have to do that too. I’m an early-grad Junior, and I’m taking signifigantly more APs this year than I took last year. I not only want to show them that my GPA has gone up, but also that I am able to handle college-level work. I’m just afraid my sophomore classes don’t convey that very well…not that I didn’t take a full course load, its just that not as many APs were available to sophomores. </p>

<p>Anyway, I’ll send it in regardless, in the hopes that they do take it into account.</p>

<p>^Haha what dream world do you live in. As far as admissions go, you are a number. They aren’t going to look at your course work and say you didn’t challenge yourself so you aren’t ready for college, unless taking AP classes is the only thing on your app. They will look at your Essays, Rank, and SATs foremost, if your on edge, than maybe they will look, but they don’t spend that kind of time on every person.</p>

<p>And really, AP classes aren’t anything like college classes here. You may not get homework every class here, but your expected to learn stuff on your own. You don’t have a teacher lecturing you every day for 30 minutes+. The matter of the fact is, its a different experience altogether.</p>

<p>Oh…well I’m already in to UT. I was just thinking as far as Plan II and Liberal Arts Honors…and i suspect that they look at their applicants a little more closely than the regular Admissions Office. </p>

<p>And yes, I understand that AP classes are not going to be the same as college classes, but they are going to be the closest thing I have and the best way to demonstrate my level of preparation. </p>

<p>Thanks for all your help.</p>

<p>Oh ok, nvm then, the stuff I said pretty much only applies for general admission. My bad.</p>