We are trying to understand when UA posts the Credit by Examination (AP test scores - Credit for clases) so they can be applied as waiver to required classes, i.e. Calc, Chem, etc. My children, DS and DD, have seen their scores on line but cannot change their course choices/schedule until the credits (by examination) are posted.
Is Degree Works updated automatically when the scores are received? Does Schedule Builder work in conjunction with Degree Works to check that Prerequisite classes are completed before a student can schedule a class?
We are asking because right now the start of Fall Term is only four weeks away. Any insight would be appreciated.
This should have been dealt with at BamaBound, because advisors override any AP pre-reqs, before AP scores are even known…so, at this date, I would contact the advisor in the department concerned and ask for them to do this manually, since your students know their scores. UA will take it on faith that what you tell them is true, altho they should be getting/inputting the AP scores any day now themselves, too? In our experience, Degree Works lagged just a little bit. I don’t believe my S ever used Schedule Builder.
Are there seats available for your students to move classes? Ask advisor to wait list them, if not.
Seems like the registrar is a little slower about updating degree works with scores than last year.
@aeromom Agree about Bama Bound but the advisors did not offer that to my DD and DS. Interestingly, another student from our area, IL, was given the override. It seems that not all of the advisors were on the same page. Kind of disappointing.
Regarding contacting the advisor, we sent an e-mail last Thursday about other questions and got an automated response that we would not hear back for 5 - 7 business days. So we will see when we hear as it has been 5 days today.
The other issue I have is that ALMOST ALL of the ENGR 103 sections had no availability when we went to Bama Bound on 6/2 - 3. My DD got a space in an Honors section and DS could not get a space in ANY section. This was the first honors session and we purposefully went early because of recommendations on CC to help get the classes they needed. How can classes have no seats for Fall Session at the initial orientation sessions?
UA was very impressive during our visit but at this juncture I am a little disappointed with their performance. I tend to think they do not have enough resources to support the large population of engineering students.
I always judge a person/company on how they perform after the “sale” is over. So far, I am not so sure if that has gone well.
I always try phone calls first because you are mostly guaranteed of a live person right then and there…but emails are useful to document paper trails (if needed).
@CyclonesGrad, have you gone into your registration since BB and tried to sign up for ENGR 103? You can do that during other BB time slots and move your schedule around. I’m VERY surprised there is no seat available in ENGR 103, but more curious as to why no seat has been available since (if you tried that and failed as well). That suggests something is not quite right. You have to keep trying, tho, if legitimately there are no seats. Most (vast, overwhelming) majority of students DO get their class choices, even as FR. This is why involving the advisor is so important - they can do things that you can’t do on your end. But I would be very surprised if this is not resolved. Keep us posted! 
Degree works is now updated!
Woo hoo!
Mine is not updated. Do they update them all at once or in sections?
Mine isn’t either. Hopefully they’ll have all of them in by the end of today.
Just talked to the Registrar. The file that UA received from College Board was formatted incorrectly. College Board is correcting the issue and hopefully the file will be returned next week to UA.
Degree Works will not be updated today. :-w
@aeromom Looked again. have looked multiple times, last night at Engr 103 and all sections had zero spaces. My DD wrote an e-mail to her counselor telling him in detail what her AP scores are and what she wants to add and drop. We will see what happens.
I have called twice and the advisors are not available because they are working at Bama Bound. No way to talk to anyone directly. People answering in Advising office are students, SO yesterday, and secretary.
Not a good situation.
Try again right at time when other BB sessions/seats are ‘opened’. I think that is mid-morning on the 2nd day of BB, when new students are registering? OR, something in your student’s file is preventing ‘open’ seats from showing (this will be because of a ‘hold’ due to some reason). I am confident this will get resolved for you! 
I was also disappointed in the scheduling because we were at the first BB too. There should have been more opportunities instead of less. That was the purpose of S attending BB early. My S continues to look at spots that might open up. He’s sitting at 13 hrs, which is not a bad thing.
I just looked at Fall 2015 reg data. The regular ENGR 103 sections appeared to be capped at 40 seats (and there were a few open seats, even after everyone had registered that semester). The Honors sections appeared to be capped at 32 seats. So, the current # of seats showing in this class suggests to me that there are plenty of seats still to be opened up throughout the summer. Have faith! 
At least they used to open the registration first thing in the morning on the days that ‘day 2 of Bama Bound sessions’ were scheduled because I recall the recommendation the year my son registered to register for classes on your own first thing that morning before going to the Bama Bound session so you could beat the others to registering for popular classes.
I just checked there are 15 non-honors sessions of Engr 103 and 9 honors sessions - each currently has between 24 and 27 students registered.
Looking at the Engr 103 sessions for fall 2015 the non-honors sessions will have 40 students in each section and the honors sections will have 32. That means there will be 200-300 more seats available before the semester begins.
The way Bama handles the registrations for ‘freshman level courses’ is that they only release a percentage of the seats at each Bama bound session. If they will have a total of 850 seats in Engr 103, at each Bama bound sessions they may only release 50 of those seats, so that they are guaranteed to have seats available for every Bama bound session including those that happen at the end of the summer.
If you attend a Bama bound session with a lot of engineering students, they may quickly fill the seats that are released, but then later Bama bound sessions will have seats released, but may have fewer students intending on going into engineering or planning to take that course in the spring, thus the recommendation to keep watching for open seats - there WILL be more open seats.
It may cause some stress, but it beats the days of standing in lines with index cards hoping that there are still seats available when you get to the front of the line otherwise you get to start all over…
There are more opportunities when you attend an early Bama Bound. The ‘advising hold’ has been lifted from your student’s account so they can go in each time a Bama Bound session is scheduled and look at new sections that have opened.
If you attend a later Bama Bound the hold is not lifted until you attend your session, so you only get to register for classes that are released at that point or later.
Weird - my DS2 degree works DID update today. We are early in the alphabet though.
@Nerdyparent I don’t think it has much to do with name(my last name is toward the end). I sent my AP scores about 2 weeks ago and noticed that they were updated in Degreeworks today too.
@Nerdyparent @Raxterfawk How did you send your scores?
@thr2000 You need to send them through Collegeboard’s website. This year I opted to send the test I was taking to Bama for free since I knew where I was going. I only had to pay to send the scores for the tests I took my junior year. Assuming you still need to send them, Collegeboard will charge you a fee.
There’s the link for the AP portion of the site. You can make an account or log in and send them through there.
@Raxterfawk I already marked Bama when I took my AP tests this year. I was just asking what method you used, whether you sent them when you took the tests or later online.