Senior members can now post images

On the old site it was possible to post pictures by using [p] etc. But the mods would not be happy and you might end up in jail. :smiley:

One hopes that users who have reached TL3 would be responsible enough to not post porn, which was an issue we had in the past. Some things cannot be unseen. :grin:



No photos to upload right now but makes my heart warm! Hoping Coralbrook can upload!


@CC_Jon, once users see that their test photos worked can they be asked to delete them? Adding numerous photos to the mix when we already have massive battery drain and jumping issues while loading text is only going to reduce the experience for mobile phone users. Maybe the option to post photos should be temporarily disabled until we all have a working app.


Makes me feel like resurrecting the Mid-Century Modern thread which basically died because we couldn’t link to photos.


Or, if it’s something in the public domain, just provide the link. I don’t necessarily need to see everyone’s kitchen remodel (compelling though it may be.)

I need to see everyone’s kitchen remodel!


It is a useful tool for the CCer who asks if NYU has a lot of green space on campus.


^ But you can go to google and see the views, spare the thread space. Lol, then there are the posters who would post pics of more angles…I guess, they think that’s vital. Oh, well.


That was an actual question someone asked here on CC a couple years ago. It seems that knowledge of the existence of Google Maps is quite limited! And the URL for a Google Maps location is about 6 lines long.

That’s been my experience on CC, too. That’s why a google map screenshot was my first thought.

I tried to look up and then tell @TomSrOfBoston he was a level 3 but then the site logged me out when I tried to get back to post here. How do I prevent that from happening? It seems to log out when trying to use the back button.

Jym, I stopped using a homepage icon to get to CC and type the address into the nav bar instead. So using my back button will often log me out. (It doesn’t give me a tab for CC, buy one for google.) Same if I google something different while on CC. I assumed it was going back to where I started, which was my own home page.

Thanks! The issue was that I was on my Android at the time and the upload button is at the bottom right of the text box as opposed to the top middle of the box on desktop.