My friends and I want to take a road trip this summer, and I was wondering if you have any advice in planning or for the trip itself. Have any of you gone on a road trip with friends after graduation? Where did you go? Where would be good places to go? We’re from PA, and with lower gas prices, we will be driving, unless we decide that Amtrak is easier (though more expensive).
I’m just starting to research stuff now, so any tips are much appreciated.
@NotSteveBuscemi, I was actually thinking of doing the same thing this summer…
When my dad graduated HS (like 30 years ago), him and 2 of his friends took an old Jeep and drove cross country. They went west from NY to Michigan, then stayed north until they hit Cali. Drove down the Pac. Coast Highway and then went east. From there they would go east, then north, then east again, then south so that almost every state was traveled through. They had absolutely no travel plans, and camped out often (usually in Nat’l Parks). Every once in awhile they’d find a close, cheap motel and stay there for a night. Even though it was over 30 years ago, it’s probably my dad’s best memory of his High school days. They took hundreds of photos along the way, which makes the trip timeless 
@BPearlman97 Where are you looking at going? I don’t even know where to start in the planning process, so I’m curious what you think would be good trip destinations.
I’m thinking maybe Boston, but if we do Boston, we’ll probably take the Amtrak because I’m not comfortable driving in Boston. If we go any where else, like National Parks, it will be driving though.
Maybe go from NY to DC? Pass through Boston and Jersey and other highlights?
@spiral7 I live right in between Nyc and Dc so they are more day trips. That’s why I’m leaning towards somewhere New Englandy or South.
@NotSteveBuscemi, well I’ve picked out a few places, haven’t gotten concrete commitments from friends yet though lol.
Jackson Hall, Wyoming
Wall Drug
Lake Tahoe
Bonneville Salt Flats
Redwood Nat’l Parks
Mt. Rushmore (not much to see, but I feel like you’ve got to see it once)
I have a few others in mind but these are the ones I really want to get to see. Mostly mid-west and Pacific Coast area, I’m in NY so not much more to see around here lol
@BPearlman97 I’m in PA, so I know what you mean when you say not much to see in the area. Plus, it is hard to find a place that no one in the group has been before. I was definitely looking at the National Parks in the west. But also maybe Canada, depending when we go because the Women’s cup might make things a little hectic.
How many people are in your group? I have asked 3 friends, so that would be okay for a 5-seated car. I offered my
car up, a 2006 Toyota Camry XLE, it only
has 42,000 miles on it so I would think it’s do fine.
@Bpearlman97 I asked 3 people as well. We would probably take my friend’s dad’s tiny pick up truck, which can comfortably seat 4. Then we could put all of our stuff in the back, including a tent if we decided to camp at National Parks. The other option would be a little, uncomfortable, two door car. I think it is from the mid 2000s. And it is really gas efficient, but that might not be a concern anymore because the gas prices are dropping like crazy. I’m hoping to get a newer Prius or Focus before summer, so that would hopefully be another option.
@NotSteveBuscemi I’m not sure if you’d want to take a brand new car on a long trip, may make a difference though…and the tents are a must btw, great for the Parks. You should try and get together a few times with your friends (if you haven’t already) in the next month or so and see what they would like to do. And ask your parents as well!