<p>Hi CC,
I'm a passionate high school student that loves math and science but I have a dilemma in what classes to take next year</p>
<p>Can pick 3 APs at max.</p>
<p>My Choices:
AP Latin
AP Chemistry
AP Biology
AP World History
Required Elective (considered as 1 class)
Dual-Enrollment math (required)
English 12 (required)
Any blank periods = Free
8 total periods including lunch</p>
<p>I was thinking:
1.Free Period
2.AP Chemistry
3. AP Biology
4. Dual-Enrollment math / Free Period
6. Lunch
7. Required Elective (1st Semester)
8. AP World History</p>
<p>1.Free Period
2.AP Chemistry
3. AP Biology
4. Dual-Enrollment math / Free Period
5. Free (drop orchestra)
6. Lunch
7. Required Elective (1st Semester)
8. AP World History</p>
Should I drop AP World History so that I can focus my self studies for State AP Scholar?
I'm taking AP Psychology, AP Human Geography, AP Environmental, AP Chinese , AP English Language, and AP English Literature already. At college I will probably sign up for an easier class in the Sophomore/Junior College level instead of Senior.</p>
<p>I would go with your first option. The free periods you have working in would allow you to keep up in your classes and focus on your self studies. But dropping world history would give you too many free periods and that wouldn’t look good.</p>
<p>@FangirlMary: It depends on your other stuff, I think. I got into MIT this year and I have ~4 free periods because I take an online AP Physics C class as well as a college class in Chinese, plus 3-5 hours of extracurriculars per day.</p>
<p>That does make sense. And it is possible that my school just told me the students that because they dislike it when we have free periods. Congrats on getting into MIT</p>
<p>Okay im president of 4 clubs next year so I’m definitely busy. You guys thing taking AP world is worth it? It’s either that or Orchestra
Orchestra is a guranteed A- or A class even without practicing</p>
<p>Think* sorry iPhone typing</p>
<p>Just take the classes you want to take. jfc</p>
<p>Lol typo. I was going to add that I’m sure MIT would much prefer that you just take the classes you really like and keep a balanced schedule. ya dig?</p>
<p>Im not allow to take that many classes. We have a cap so that no one can load up honors and APs</p>
<p>Then how about YOU figure out which ones you really want to take? We can’t make this decision for you, but like I said we can advise that you take what classes you want to take.</p>
<p>AP World History won’t make or break you for MIT; just do orchestra if you like that better, and it’s a nice stress relief to play music during the day (band kid here