senior scheldule help!

<p>I'm currently taking an Anatomy & Physiology class....which has definitely pushed me towards Nursing. It's one of my favorite classes since its a challenge, and I actually enjoy learning everything. I have an A in the class too :)
We put in for our classes back in February........and I wasn't really sure about what I wanted to do. As of right now, I'm leaning towards going for a BSN and then some sort of advanced degree for a specialty.
This is what my original senior classes would be:
AP US history 2
AP Gov
AP English
AP Psych
Calc Honors</p>

<p>The science APs offered at my school are
AP Bio
AP Chem
AP Physics</p>

<p>So basically, what courses would you recommend taking if I wanted to go into nursing for college? I heard that statistics was more important than calc, but I wasn't sure about that...

<p>oh and science/math wise, so far I've taken bio, chem honors, physics honors, alg1 h, geometry h, alg 2 h, and precalc h.</p>

<p>My D is applying to Pitt nursing this fall. She was told to take Stats (Pitt’s website actually says that) and not Calc. She took Stats this year as a junior and will take Calc next year as a senior. Although calc is not necessary, it will look great on her application.</p>

<p>My suggestion would be to find the colleges you are interested in applying to, check out their websites, and then base your schedule on what they want.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Nursing programs generally don’t care about math beyond Algebra II (pre-calc, calc etc)…but stats is really good to take.</p>

<p>AP US History is kind of pointless, and I would recommend taking something with less work, especially if you plan on taking a heavy AP load that has more to do with your college plans.</p>

<p>If you want to take all APs (which by the way, I think is a mistake – I have a lot of friends who did that and they all regretted it) then I suggest taking:</p>

<li>AP English (may or may not get you out of freshman English – at my school if you get a 4 or 5 then it gets you out of 1 or 2 of the 3 required semesters)</li>
<li>AP Stats (most nursing programs require stats, and almost every college accepts the credit from the AP)</li>
<li>AP Bio (again, most schools will grant credit for this, and many nursing programs require gen bio before A&P)</li>
<li>AP Chem (if you want another science, or you find chem harder than bio and want to take this instead)</li>
<li>Non AP gov (why waste your time with an AP class that has a lot of work and nothing to do with your intended major)</li>

<p>…Or something like that.</p>

<p>That’s exactly what my daughter did. AP stats, english and chem and honors everything else.</p>

<p>In my school, juniors usually take AP US II. Of course, it was my luck to randomly get kicked out of it by the computer, because too many people requested it…so I decided to take AP Spanish this year instead and wait to take it.
Which really sucks, because I could really use the space in my schedule, and I really don’t want to kill myself senior year.
I talked with my counselor today, and so far I’m definitely dropping AP Gov, and maybe AP Psych and just TA for it if I actually have time (probably not) since he’s the teacher…the only problem with AP Bio is that the current teacher is a 1st year, so she most likely is going to be cut (NJ budget cuts)
I have to keep AP english and AP history. My school doesn’t have AP stats.</p>

<p>I was also reading at the websites of some nursing schools today and it said at Umich that you had to take all science/clinicals at Umich…not sure if I interpreted this wrong or not…
Thanks again! </p>

<p>oh and one more thing- I got As in both bio and chem honors, but I had more trouble in chem (the teacher was monotone and I just hated moles…) So would you recommend taking the class that I might not do as well in (chem) or the better grade (bio)?</p>

<p>It is common that nursing schools will only let you take the required science classes at their own schools. They will not consider AP credits, or even credit from a summer community college class. We found this out by asking, as the schools don’t usually volunteer this into. Of course, it wouldn’t hurt to have the AP experience in bio or chem and make life easier when you have to take that class in college. But to place out of a class, AP English or Psych would be more of a sure thing.</p>

<p>One exception I found is with some state schools. One provided us with a list of classes at community colleges throughout the state, and what pre-req’s you could place out of by taking one of those classes. This was not a direct-entry nursing school though and I’m not sure if they would consider using AP credit for those classes.</p>

<p>okay I had a long conversation with my guidance counselor today, and we decided for me to take the following:</p>

<p>AP English
AP Psych
AP Chem
Statistics H
Pro Rescuer Health
Basic Foods</p>

<p>I want to apply to schools like UMich and UPenn…so he said to make sure my schedule is challenging and competitive to make up for my not so competitive class rank (I’m 55 out of like 527ish…I know its pretty much right on the brink of 10%.)
All I know is that after working my butt off all year, 4th quarter is going to be absolute best 9 weeks of my life :)</p>