<p>Ok so there's this sophomore girl, gorgeous as heck, but im going to be a senior this fall, and was wondering what everyone's take was on this situation. Would it be weird or fine if we dated? She's in to me, and I'm in to her.</p>
<p>Date, date, go procreate. (Disregard the last half. It rhymed.)</p>
<p>Would it be weird? Yes
Is it technically wrong? Yes
Should you date her still? Yes</p>
<p>Age is only a number (to some extent) , just don’t arrested lolol</p>
<p>How is it weird? High school, or at least my high school, is 100% mashed together. There are no grade lines. The biggest age difference would be 15 and 17. If you’re 18 I wouldn’t go there, bro.</p>
<p>Niquii you should be a poet.</p>
<p>Hahh thanks <em>blushes</em> you should look at off topic, bro a couple pages back. I wrote a poem for el. It was a masterpiece.</p>
<p>It’s one of those “so wrong, but OH so right” kind of moments. GO for it.</p>
<p>Can you write one for me on off topic, bro and we can be lovers? (And el can be jealous!)</p>
<p>Well actually me and karate are in a honeymoon phase right now…I don’t have any romantic ties with el, I just wanted to make her feel better</p>
<p>I said it was weird assuming he was 18, which would be the age where i’d ask this type of question.
People WILL talk about your relationship negatively. but thats just high school
I’d go for it Love is love or … in this case like is like xD</p>
<p>If you’re 18 don’t do it bro. It also depends on what kind of guy you are. One of my friends(15) went out with another one of my friends (18) and no one questioned it because he was a really chill, sweet guy (I couldn’t find anything to hate about him except that he was too nice) although the parents weren’t the happiest.</p>
<p>Obviously there are some negatives here, such as what other people will think, so really it comes down to whether or not you think she is worth it. YOLO</p>
<p>Not a single one of you has said “YOLO!!!” yet. Surprising.
But yeah. Who cares? As long as you stay PG-13 until she can make a decision before asking her 600 “totally legit” Facebook friends through a post , I’d say things will go swimmingly. Have fun.</p>
<p>Watch it OP because YOFO and then you’re bound to her for life!!</p>
<p>not really…</p>
<p>i follow the 20% rule, it aint weird as long as she’s +/- 20% your age</p>
<p>Granted the person you marry, will most likely be more than 4 years younger/older than you.
My parents are 5 years apart</p>
<p>It’s only two years difference, most likely… So go for it, I would(: I mean, if you’re 18 and she’s 15, don’t have sex with her, but seriously, if you like her, I see no reason not to pursue her. At my school, age isn’t a huge deal unless it’s a senior-freshman relationship… And I havvvve seen one of those.</p>
<p>It’s not as odd as seeing an 8th grader / 12th grader relationship.</p>
<p>I’ve seen a freshmen girl being asked to prom by a senior.</p>
<p>There have been a few Senior-Freshman relationships that I clearly remember. A graduated Senior I know is going out with a rising Sophomore. The senior is a girl, and sophomore the guy, hahahah. It’s weird, and they get crap for it behind their backs, but people get used to the idea.</p>